Insuring My Family

After struggling for months to know what to do about our family finances, I realized that there were some pretty big loopholes in our plan. I knew that I needed to insure our family so that I could protect our money in the event of an accident, but it was really difficult to find the perfect plan. I started talking with an insurance broker who could help, and it was amazing to hear the solid advice that he had for us. This blog is all about insuring your family by finding the right insurance policies and keeping your costs as low as possible.

4 Tips To Help You Save Money On Auto Insurance

13 January 2023
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Saving money on auto insurance does not need to mean downgrading your coverage. In fact, with the help of the four simple tips below, it is quite easy to begin saving money on your auto insurance without making any changes to the amount of coverage you carry.  Tip #1: Increase Your Collision Deductible If your auto insurance policy includes collision coverage, increasing the deductible associated with this coverage can be a fast and effective way of reducing your monthly premiums. Read More …

3 Requirements for Using U.S. Car Insurance in Canada

25 October 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Like the United States, Canada requires all drivers to have adequate auto insurance. Your U.S. car insurance may serve you well in Canada, depending on your circumstances. Below are three things to do before crossing into Canada with your U.S. car insurance. 1. Ensure Your Coverage Meets or Exceeds Canadian Requirements Many countries, including the U.S. and Canada, have minimum insurance coverage limits for drivers. In the U.S., each state determines its minimum coverage limit. Read More …

Driving Into Mexico With U.S. Car Insurance

25 October 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Mexico doesn't recognize U.S. auto insurance, so you should not cross into the country with only your U.S. insurance. Moreover, U.S. insurance companies might not extend coverage into Mexico; the insurance might not work as it does in the U.S. Below are specific things you should know about driving with U.S. car insurance in Mexico. Liability Coverage Typically Ends at the Border Many insurance carriers limit coverage for drivers who cross into Mexico. Read More …

Starting A Family? 5 Ways It Affects Car Insurance

12 September 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Having a baby or starting a family changes everything for new parents. Many people settle down, buy or change homes, change their entertainment lifestyle, and see a rise in the costs of living. But how does your new addition affect your auto insurance? Here are a few changes that may surprise you and why. 1. You May Drive More or Less New parents often spend much more time at home with their baby than they would have before. Read More …

3 Tips That Can Help You Score Cheap Auto Insurance

8 August 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

The law requires you to maintain a valid auto insurance policy. It does not require you to pay a small fortune for this coverage. If you feel like you have been overpaying for car insurance, the three tips outlined below could help.  Tip #1: Choose A Higher Deductible And Deposit Your Savings  While it is true that paying a higher deductible after being in an accident can be financially difficult for many people, there really is no need to choose between facing this financial burden or enjoying the low cost of high deductible policies. Read More …