Insuring My Family

After struggling for months to know what to do about our family finances, I realized that there were some pretty big loopholes in our plan. I knew that I needed to insure our family so that I could protect our money in the event of an accident, but it was really difficult to find the perfect plan. I started talking with an insurance broker who could help, and it was amazing to hear the solid advice that he had for us. This blog is all about insuring your family by finding the right insurance policies and keeping your costs as low as possible.

4 Tips to Get a Better Auto Insurance Quote

1 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you drive, then car insurance is a simple fact of life. Only three US states do not require insurance, and there are additional costs in each case that must be paid to the state in lieu of carrying coverage. In most cases, you are required to carry a certain level of liability coverage. In states with no-fault laws, the requirement is for a special type of no-fault coverage that will pay out regardless of blame during an accident. Read More …

Homeowners Insurance: How To Get Your Claim Paid

18 March 2019
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Home insurance is a crucial and wonderful investment, especially if you know how to use it. If you don't, paying monthly for something that you will never file a claim on can feel like a waste of money. Here are a few tips to ensure that you will have the coverage you need when you need it most. Know What Coverage You Have. If you are unaware of what your homeowners insurance covers you will not know to file a claim when you need one. Read More …

Understanding Basic Homeowners Insurance Policy Protection Options

13 January 2019
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Choosing a homeowners insurance policy can be a complicated process riddled with a huge number of highly technical details. Since you are choosing a protection plan for what is likely your most valuable possession, it pays to have a solid understanding of the many terms that you will encounter. Of these policy details, one of the most important is the level of protection that your plan provides. This protection level is usually described as " Read More …

3 Tips To Protect Your House

2 December 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Whenever you need to protect your present and future, it all starts with taking care of your home. A lot goes into making your home safe and sound, and this makes sense both personally and financially. If this is something that you're trying to figure out, you can't go wrong with developing strategies that will assist you in this regard. Follow these tips and reach out to some professionals that can assist you further. Read More …

5 Tips to Handle a Flood Insurance Claim

8 October 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

So, you have suffered a flood and your home and contents within it have been damaged—possibly even destroyed. You knew that you lived in an area prone to floods, so you made sure to purchase flood insurance when you bought insurance for your home. But what are your next steps? The flood insurance claims process can be a bit complicated, but here are five things to help you figure it out. Read More …