Insuring My Family

After struggling for months to know what to do about our family finances, I realized that there were some pretty big loopholes in our plan. I knew that I needed to insure our family so that I could protect our money in the event of an accident, but it was really difficult to find the perfect plan. I started talking with an insurance broker who could help, and it was amazing to hear the solid advice that he had for us. This blog is all about insuring your family by finding the right insurance policies and keeping your costs as low as possible.

Is Renters Insurance A Necessary Expense?

10 May 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Buying renters insurance might seem like a frivolous expense to some renters. After all, their landlords have property insurance. The reality is that the property insurance might not cover many of the expenses that renters have due to a disastrous event. If you do not have the right protection, you could be left paying out-of-pocket for your losses. If you are on the fence about renters insurance, here is what you need to know. Read More …

Variables That Affect Your Home Insurance Rates

10 May 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

There is no doubt that you want to get good home insurance, but you do not want to pay a ridiculous amount to get it. It can be very hard to shop for insurance, but there are a few variables that are going to affect your insurance rate that you may not know about. If you are able to control some of these different variables, you may find that you are able to get a better insurance rate. Read More …

So You’ve Totally Wrecked Your Very First Car, Now What?

9 May 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Articles

Getting your first car is an exciting right of passage, but if you happen to have the unfortunate experience of wrecking it, you have much to do to rectify the situation and as quickly as possible. Take a few deep breaths to clear your mind, then get right to the business of trying to put your life behind the wheel back together. The following information will help you to accomplish this goal. Read More …

3 Important Reasons Why You Need A Life Insurance Policy

9 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Are you an adult with one or more small children? Do you want to make sure that your children are provided for no matter what happens to you? Although some people view life insurance as something that's relatively unimportant and extraneous, an insurance policy can actually be an important part of your future plans. There are a number of reasons why you should seriously consider investing in a life insurance policy which may or may not apply to your current situation. Read More …

3 Types of Auto Insurance to Consider

2 September 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you own a vehicle, you will want to be sure to keep the right amount of coverage on it. This will enable you to avoid some financial losses in the event you're involved in an accident. You may be faced with extensive medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. By having the right insurance policy in place, you can be fully compensated for your losses. It's ideal to know the various types of coverage that are readily available to you. Read More …