4 Tips To Help You Save Money On Auto Insurance

After struggling for months to know what to do about our family finances, I realized that there were some pretty big loopholes in our plan. I knew that I needed to insure our family so that I could protect our money in the event of an accident, but it was really difficult to find the perfect plan. I started talking with an insurance broker who could help, and it was amazing to hear the solid advice that he had for us. This blog is all about insuring your family by finding the right insurance policies and keeping your costs as low as possible.

4 Tips To Help You Save Money On Auto Insurance

13 January 2023
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Saving money on auto insurance does not need to mean downgrading your coverage. In fact, with the help of the four simple tips below, it is quite easy to begin saving money on your auto insurance without making any changes to the amount of coverage you carry. 

Tip #1: Increase Your Collision Deductible

If your auto insurance policy includes collision coverage, increasing the deductible associated with this coverage can be a fast and effective way of reducing your monthly premiums. Typically, the higher you choose to set your premium, the more you can expect to save each month. As long as you do not file an insurance claim on a regular basis, you will find that the money you save by choosing a higher deductible will far outweigh any additional costs you incur when needing to pay this higher deductible.

Tip #2: Enroll in a Safe Driver App

Many major insurance carriers allow you to qualify for a discount by enrolling in their safe driver app. This is a mobile app that is downloaded to your smartphone and is used to collect data regarding your driving habits. While you will be rewarded with a base discount just for enrolling in the program, you can qualify for an even bigger discount by demonstrating that you are a safe driver while using the app. 

Tip #3: Take a Defensive Driving Course

It is quite common for people to develop poor driving habits over the course of time. That is why taking a refresher course in the art of defensive driving can really help to reduce the risk of you being involved in an accident. This is also why many insurance companies will offer you a discount when you choose to complete a defensive driving course. You will need to provide your insurance company with proof of completion after taking this course so be sure to keep any documentation your instructor provides you with when taking this course. 

Tip #4: Report Low Daily Mileage

If you do not spend much time on the road, accurately reporting your average daily mileage can be a very easy way to start saving money each month on auto insurance. This is especially true if your average mileage has changed dramatically since you first obtained your policy. For example, if you have recently begun working from home rather than commuting each day, reporting this change to your insurance company could allow you to qualify for a discounted rate. 

Contact a local auto insurance company to learn more.